April 6, 2024

Today we made history.
Haida citizens have voted to approve the Gaayhllxid/Gíihlagalgang “Rising Tide” Haida Title Lands Agreement. Over 500 votes were cast and attendance at the Special House of Assembly was a record-high. We are excited to announce that 95% of votes were in favour of approving the agreement.
In the agreement, British Columbia recognizes and affirms that the Haida Nation has Aboriginal title to the lands of Haida Gwaii. This recognition does not create title – Haida Title is inherent. Working with the province is part of the process of Gud ad T’alang HlGang.gulxa Tll Yahda/Tll yá’adee Gii gud ahl t’álang hlGángulaang (People Working Together to Make it Right).
The Council of the Nation was formed 50 years ago to uphold our inherent responsibilities to Haida Gwaii. Today we honoured our ancestors and set the path forward for future generations.

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Haida Nation mourns loss of CHN Elected Representative – April 2, 2024

It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Guuday Guud Dlaaya Vince Collison – a passionate advocate for the Haida Nation, dedicated Haida repatriation leader, proud Haida Watchman, and Elected CHN Representative of the Council of the Haida Nation – passed away on April 1, 2024. His departure to the next world is a huge loss to his family, friends, community and Nation as a whole. Vince will be greatly missed by all.