2019 Great List

Published by info@haidanation.com on

This year, the Haida nation is proud to celebrate and acknowledge graduates in Gaw Tlagee, HlGaagilda and beyond. The following is a Great List presenting the names of those who have completed certification in their field of choice! Congratulations to you all and we look forward to acknowledging the many citizens who are furthering their education today and will be graduating in the years to come.

Dr. Gaaying.uuhlas Roy Jones Sr., Honorary Doctorate of Law, Vancouver Island University

Dr. Yang K‘aalas Grace Jones, Honourary Doctorate of Law, Vancouver Island University

Dr. SGaana Jaads K’yaa Ga Xiigangs Golie Hans, Honorary Doctorate of Law, Vancouver Island University

Dr. Ildagwaay Bea Harley, Honorary Doctorate of Law, Vancouver Island University

Dr. Taalgyaa’adad Betty Richardson, Honorary Doctorate of Law, Vancouver Island University

Dr. Sing.giduu Laura Jormanainan, Honorary Doctorate of Law, Vancouver Island University

Dr. Jiixa Gladys Vandal, Honorary Doctorate of Law, Vancouver Island University

Dr. Niis Waan Harvey Williams, Honorary Doctorate of Law, Vancouver Island University

Dr. GwaaGanad Diane Brown, Honorary Doctorate of Law, Vancouver Island University

Deanna Kerrigan, Doctor of Medicine, University of BC 

Amber Bellis, Doctor of Philosophy in Osteopathic Clinical Rehabilitation PhD (OCR), National University of Medical Sciences

Kii’iljuus Barbara Wilson, Masters in Curriculum and Instructional Foundation, the Faculty of Education through Simon Fraser University 

Alana Johnson, Masters of Theological Studies: Indigenous, North American Institute for Indigenous Theological Studies 

K‘uul Gaada Laura Beaton Renewable Resource Management in Environmental Sciences, Lethbridge College, Alberta

Xanjuu Gwang Chelsea Gladstone double major in First Nations Indigenous Studies and Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice, University of British Columbia with a UBC Lieutenant Governor Medal

Taan Tsujuus Jaad Hailey Bennett, Associate of Arts Degree (General), Langara College

Stihl il jow Hannah Fregin, Bachelor of Tourism Management, Thompson Rivers University

Xaayaa hltaaguus Jaimie Holt, Bachelor of Science in Nursing, University of Victoria

Geoffrey Martynuik, Bachelor of Science in Economics and Finance, University of Victoria

Cooper Wilson Junior, Bachelor of Physical Education and Coaching, Douglas College

Khataya Brown, Bachelor of Arts in Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University

Alicia Pearson, Bachelor of Business in Human Resources Management, Thompson Rivers University

Tarah Samuels, Bachelor of Business in Administrative Management, Langara College

Braedon Roberts, Bachelor of Environmental Sciences with a minor in planning, University of Northern British Columbia 

Nicole Kuhn, University of Washington 

Jayde Doell, Bachelor of Nursing, Thompson Rivers University 


Tiffany Storry, Art History and Visual Studies, University of BC 

Slaay Gulaagaa Alfred Davidson, First Nations Fine Art Advanced Diploma, Coast Mountain College 

Xay Kuyaas Ariane Medley, RBC Aboriginal Training Program in Museum Practices, Canadian Museum of History Gatineau, Quebec

Emily Manfon

Peter Russ

Jonathan Klick

Charlene Stokes

Slaay Gulaagaa Alfred Davidson, Aboriginal Canadian Entrepreneurs for Artists Certificate, University of Victoria

Slaay Gulaagaa Alfred Davidson, Northwest Coast Jewellery Arts Certificate, Native Education College

High School Diplomas

GidGalang Kuuyas Naay
Daagwiiyah William Gravelle
Xuuya K’aajuu Giis Teresa Rus
Kuuya Jiihlii Avery Robson
Tanika Brown
Isaac Hill

Gudangaay Tlaats’gaa Naay
Guud Kuyaas Brannon Bell
Yaath Gusuus Jessica Collison
Sgaaluud Gee Brooklyn Lantin
Gudang gaay kii Coral Reynolds
xundaayaa Alyson Bell
Koyas Morrison
Simon Smith
Darius Alfred
Kaden Andersen-Wood
Markus Edgars-Carty
Destiny Davidson
Kiera Davis
Mary Jane Edgars
Camryn Parnell
Cheyanne Smith
Domanic White
Brodie Williams-Brown
Sandra Amos

Citizens Graduating Off-Islands
Kennedie Montjoy
Linden Montjoy
Devin Stewart
Anthony Allen
Cassandra Edenshaw
Trinity Gladstone
Chantae Helin
Kaitlyn Nyce
Payten Ridley
Kaiya Story
Grayden Miller


If we have missed you or someone you know who has graduated please email us at info@haidanation.com and we will add them to the 2019 Great List!

1 Comment

Greg Stewart · September 29, 2019 at 8:35 am

So proud of our Grandson Devin – graduating class of 2019

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