2020 Great List
The Haida Nation is proud to celebrate and acknowledge graduates in Gaw Tlagee, HlGaagilda and beyond. The following is a Great List presenting the names of Haida citizens who have completed certification in their field of choice! Congratulations to you all and all the best with your future plans.
Kyaanuuslii Natasha Parrish, Masters of Indigenous Nationhood from University of Victoria
Jaad Gudghiljiwah Michaela McGuire, Masters of Arts, School of Criminology Simon Fraser University
Gyaaxaa Kiana Brown, Thompson Rivers University Bachelors of Health Science and Diploma in Respiratory Therapy
K’aayhldaa Xyaalaas Rayne Boyko, Hawaii Pacific University Bachelor of Marine Science
Taylor Mae Gray, Bachelor Degree in Interior Design from The La Salle College of Applied Arts
Irene Klien, Associate of Arts Degree in Health Sciences
Kil tlaats’ gaa Peter Lantin, Bachelor of Arts Degree in Sociology from the University of Victoria
Starnita Nyce, Certificate in Nisga’a Studies and Certificate in First Nations Language-Nisga’a, Wilp Wilxo’oskwhl Nisga’a Institute – University of Northern British Columbia
Kaitlyn Nyce, Certificate in General First Nations Studies, Wilp Wilxo’oskwhl Nisga’a Institute – University of Northern British Columbia
Xiidaagang Pearl York, Office Assistant Certificate – Canadian Vocational Training Centre
Gid Qunee Melody Morrison, Office Assistant Certificate – Canadian Vocational Training Centre
Dee Williams, Office Assistant Certificate – Canadian Vocational Training Centre
Derick Chutter, Health Care Assistant Certificate – Native Education College
High School Diplomas
Gudangaay Tlaats’gaa Naay
Kunn Jaad Giidii Angel Brown
T’aa Giidii Devan Boyko
K’iijuuhlaas Nathaniel White
Schon Sjolund
Sierra Brown-Wesley
Gulkihlgad Yakgujanaas
Calvin Sampare
Haana Edenshaw
GidGalang Kuuyas Naay
Jordyn Sankey
Ildagwaay Camellia Yovanovich
Guustlas Trey Rorick
Jacey Pollard
Tyson Jones
Teniel Houston
Chayla Williams
Melva Collinson-Young
Bailey McDonald
Xangii Gan Haana Dawson Sterritt
Kang.Ga Jaad Taylor Lund
Ts’ing hltaaxwii Olivia Wilson
Citizens Graduating Off-Island
Madison Brown
Kaajii sg̱id jaad Madison Mouzakis
Yaath Kiil Ewaans Freeman Bell
Colton Stewart
Colten Waldhaus
Ga’ow OOdaa Gretchen Lewandowski
Naomi Kuhn
Jason Lockie
Ethan Adams
If we missed you or any Haida graduate this year, email us at info@haidanation.com and we will add them to the 2020 Great List!
This article is published in the recent Winter Haida Laas. View or download the full edition here.
Donna Wesley · October 20, 2020 at 4:30 pm
Sierra last name is Sierra Brown-Wesely..
Lisa Galbraith · October 22, 2020 at 9:56 pm
Congratulations to all graduates! Especially Jason Lockie!!!
So proud of you