
The official mandate and responsibilities of the CHN are found in the Constitution of the Haida Nation, which was adopted in 2003.

The Mandate of the Council of the Haida Nation is Haida Gwaii and surrounding waters.

The CHN shall strive for full independence, sovereignty and self-sufficiency of the Haida Nation.

The CHN shall perpetuate Haida heritage and cultural identity, and will enact Policies for same.

CHN shall protect the Domestic and Foreign interests of the Haida Nation and Territories through long-term strategies, negotiations, and steps consistent with the objectives of the Haida Nation.

CHN shall promote a peaceful co-existence with other people and governments without compromise to the objectives of the Haida Nation.

CHN shall establish land and resource policies consistent with nature’s ability to produce. The Policies will be applicable to all users of the Territories.

CHN shall regulate access to resources by Citizens of the Haida Nation and other users of Haida Gwaii.

CHN shall conduct the external affairs of the Haida Nation.

CHN shall provide for the Common Defense of the Haida Nation.

CHN shall keep the Citizens of the Haida Nation fully informed and shall keep a Record of Proceedings, and from time to time publish reports on the activities of the CHN, excepting such parts as may, in their judgment, require confidentiality. CHN will publish Haida Laas as the official publication of the Haida Nation.

CHN shall establish Election Procedures, which must be adopted by the House
of Assembly.

CHN may delegate a consenting Haida Citizen to represent CHN on specific matters. Any Haida Citizen so delegated may have this responsibility rescinded by CHN.

CHN shall maintain a Secretariat:

a) The Secretariat shall be called Secretariat of the Haida Nation. This Society will include representatives of Council of the Haida Nation and Old Massett Village Council and Skidegate Band Council. The Secretariat will report to Council of the Haida Nation, and to the House of Assembly.

b) The Secretariat will administer the Treasury and Holdings and manage the Secretariat of the Haida Nation Programs and staff of the Haida Nation, as directed by the CHN, through adopted CHN Policy and Procedures.

c) Pursuant to the Policies and Directive of the CHN, the Secretariat may:

Borrow money on the credit of the Haida Nation with consent of the Council of the Haida Nation.

Regulate commerce with Foreign Nations and among domestic communities.

Coin money and regulate the value thereof.

Lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imports and Excises, to pay the Debts and costs associated to supporting the Haida Governance, and provide for the general Welfare of the Haida Nation.

Employ such persons or institutions deemed necessary by the CHN to carry out the CHN mandate.

CHN may establish committees, institutions, and other processes to carry out the CHN mandate.
