AAROM | Aboriginal Aquatic Resource and Ocean Management Program |
AFN | Assembly of First Nations |
AFOA | Aboriginal Finance Officer Association of Canada |
AFSA | Aboriginal Fisheries Strategy Agreement |
AGM | annual general meeting |
AIA | Archaeological Impact Assessment |
AIUS | Aboriginal Interest and Use Study |
AMB | Archipelago Management Board |
AMBNS | Active Migratory Bird Nest Survey Program |
AOA | Archeological Overview Assessment |
AOI | Area of Intent |
AP | accounts payable |
AR | accounts receivable |
ASAP | as soon as possible |
ASI | Automatic Identification System |
ATT | Area Technical Team |
AWA | Area-Weighted Average |
BC-AFC | BC - Aboriginal Fisheries Commission |
BCEAA | BC Environmental Assessment Act |
BCEAO | BC Environmental Assessment Office |
BCMCA | BC Marine Conservation Analysis |
BCMEC | BC Marine Ecological Classification |
BCR | Band Council Resolution |
BCTC | BC Treaty Commission |
BCTS | BC Timber Sales |
BMP | best management practices |
BZ | Buffer Zone |
CanWEA | Canadian Wind Energy Association |
CAPEX | capital costs |
CBC | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation |
CCG | Canadian Coast Guard |
CCP | Cut Control Period |
CEAA (1) | Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency |
CEAA (2) | Canadian Environmental Assessment Act |
CEAP | Clean Energy Action Plan |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer |
CFA | Community Forest Agreement |
CFE | commercial fishing enterprise |
CFI | Cultural Feature Identification |
CFN | Coastal First Nations (the organization) |
CFO (1) | Canadian forest oil |
CFO (2) | Chief Financial Officer |
CHCP | Conceptual Fish Habitat Compensation Plan |
CHN | Council of the Haida Nation |
cm | centimetre; centimetres |
CMA | Costal Management Area |
CMAI | Culmination Mean Annual Increment |
CMG | cooperative management group |
CMT | culturally modified tree |
CoCo | CHN Communications Committee |
CO | Conservation Officer |
COF | Coast Opportunities Fund |
CORI | Coastal Ocean Research Institute |
COS | Canada's Oceans Strategy |
COSEWIC | Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada |
CPC | Clean Power Call |
CPAWS | Canadian Parks and Wildlife Society |
CSA | Canadian Sablefish Association |
CSA | Cedar Stewardship Area |
CSAP | Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat-Pacific |
CSAS | Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat |
CSC | Coastal Shellfish Corporation |
CTCG | Clean Technology Community Group |
CWAP | Coastal Watershed Assessment Procedure |
CWP | Cultural Wood Permit |
CWS | Canadian Wildlife Service |
DFO | Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
DM | District Manager |
DND | Department of National Defense |
EA | Environmental Assessment |
EAO | (BC) Environmental Assessment Office |
EBM | Ecosystem-Based Management |
EBSAs | Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas |
EC | Environment Canada |
EconIA | Economic Impact Analysis |
EEZ | Exclusive Economic Zone |
EIS | Environmental Impact Statement |
EMF | electromagnetic fields |
EMP | Environmental Management Plan |
EMS | Environmental Management System |
ENGOs | Environmental Non-Government Organizations |
EOAR | Ecosystem Overview and Assessment Report |
ERAF | Ecological Risk Assessment Framework |
ERP | Emergency Response Plan |
ESSIM | Eastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management |
ETA | estimated time of arrival |
FA | federal authority |
FCBCHG | FrontCounterBC Haida Gwaii |
FL | Forest License |
FLNRO R U D | (Ministry of) Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Urban Rural Development (formerly Ministry of Forests ) |
FLTC | Forest License to Cut |
FMLB | Forest Management Land Base |
FN | First Nation |
FNFC | First Nations Fisheries Council |
FNGC | First Nations Governance Committee |
FNMPC | First Nations Marine Policy Committee |
FNS | (BC) First Nations’ Summit |
FN’s | First Nations |
FOW | Family Outreach Worker |
FOWP | Family Outreach Worker Program |
FRPA | Forest and Range Practices Act |
FSA | (Aboriginal) Fisheries Strategy Agreement |
FSC | Forest Stewardship Council |
FSP | Forest Stewardship Plan |
FSSAM | Forest Service Spatial Analysis Model |
GBI | Great Bear Initiative |
GFCT/GFS | Gwaii Forest Charitable Trust (formerly Gwaii Forest Society) |
G2G | government-to-government |
GH | Gwaii Haanas (place); Gwaii Haanas (office/field unit) |
GHG | greenhouse gas |
GHNPR, NMCAR &HHS | Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GL | general ledger |
GMD | General Management Direction |
GMDC | Greater Massett Development Corporation |
GMZ | General Management Zone |
GNC | Gwaalagaa Naay Corporation |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GT | Gwaii Trust |
GTS | Gwaii Trust Society |
GUA | General Use Area |
GW | gigawatt; gigawatts |
ha | hectare; hectares |
HADD | harmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat |
HaiCo | Haida Enterprise Corporation |
HBS | Harvest Billings System |
HCC | Hereditary Chiefs Council |
HCFSS | Haida Child and Family Services Society |
HCRS | Herring Conservation and Research Society |
HFC | Haida Fisheries Committee |
HFP | Haida Fisheries Program |
HG | Haida Gwaii |
HGFD | Haida Gwaii Forest District |
HGM | Haida Gwaii Museum |
HGMA | Haida Gwaii Management Area |
HGMC | Haida Gwaii Management Council |
HGMP | Haida Gwaii Marine Plan |
HGMSC | Haida Gwaii Marine Steering Committee |
HGMSG | Haida Gwaii Marine Stewardship Group |
HHC | Haida Heritage Centre (at K a a y Llnagaay) |
HL | Haida Laas Newsletter; Haida Laas office |
HLUV | Haida Land Use Vision |
HMPA | Haida Marine Protected Area |
HMTK | Haida Marine Traditional Knowledge |
HMWG | Haida Marine Work Group |
HNRC | Heritage and Natural Resources Committee |
H&NRD; HNRD | Heritage and Natural Resources Department |
HOA; HoA | House of Assembly |
HOTT | Haida Oceans Technical Team |
HPA | Haida Power Authority |
HR | human resources |
HRD | Human Resources Department |
HTLP | Haida Tourism Limited Partnership |
IAC | Integrated Advisory Committee |
IALA | International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities |
IAs | Important Areas |
ICZM | Integrated Coastal Zone Management |
IFMP | Integrated Fisheries Management Plans |
IHHPC | Integrated Herring Harvest Planning Committee |
IHPC | Integrated Harvest Planning Committee |
IMT | Integrated Management Team |
IMUP | Integrated Marine Use Planning |
INAC | In digenous dian and Northern Affairs Canada (now Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada ) |
IPHC | International Pacific Halibut Commission |
IQ | Individual Quota |
IRR | internal rate of return |
IST | Integrated Stewardship Team |
IT | information technology |
ITQ | Individual Transferable Quota |
ITSQ | Individual Transferable Share Quota |
IUCN | International Union for Conservation of Nature |
IUP | Investigative Use Permit |
IVQ | Individual Vessel Quota |
JRP | Joint Review Panel |
JV | joint venture |
K ay | K ay Llnagaay (place); Haida Heritage Centre at K ay Llnagaay |
K&K | Kunst’aa.Guu – Kunst’aa.yah Reconciliation Protocol |
K2K | Kunst’aa.Guu – Kunst’aa.yah Reconciliation Protocol |
K2 | Kunst’aa.Guu – Kunst’aa.yah Reconciliation Protocol |
kg | kilogram; kilograms |
KKRP | Kunst’aa Guu - Kunst’aayah Reconciliation Protocol |
km | kilometre; kilometres |
km/h | kilometres per hour |
kV | kilovolt; kilovolts |
L | litre; litres |
LBCS | Laskeek Bay Conservation Society |
LEK | Local Ecological Knowledge |
LMPP | Labour Market Partnership Program |
LNG | liquified natural gas |
LOA | Letter of Agreement |
LOI | Letter of Intent |
LOS | Living Oceans Society |
LoU | Letter of Understanding |
LRMP | Land and Resource Management Plan |
LRSY | Long Run Sustained Yield |
LTC | License to Cut |
LTHL | Long Term Harvest Level |
LUO, LUOO | (Haida Gwaii) Land Use Order Objective Objectives Order |
LUP | Land Use Plan |
m | metre; metres |
M 3 | cubic metre; cubic metres |
MAC | Marine Advisory Committee |
MAI | Mean Annual Increment |
MaPP | Marine Planning Partnership for the North Pacific Coast |
MBCA | Migratory Birds Convention Act |
MBR | Migratory Birds Regulations |
MC | Master of Ceremonies |
MCC | Marine Coordinating Committee |
MCFD | Ministry of Children and Family Development |
MCT | Marine Conservation Target |
MCT | Marine Coordination Team |
MCTS | Marine Communication and Traffic Services |
MDC | Metlakatla Development Corporation |
MHA | Minimum Harvest Age |
MIEDS | Misty Isles Economic Development Society |
MITT | MaPP Implementation Technical Team |
MIMC | Moresby Island Management Committee |
MLA | Member of the Legislative Assembly |
mm | millimeter; millimetres |
MMDS | Multichannel Multipoint Distribution System |
MoE; MOE | (BC) Ministry of Environment |
MoU; MOU | Memorandum of Understanding |
MP | Member of Parliament |
MPA | Marine Protected Area |
MPAC | Marine Planning Advisory Committee (North Coast, Central Coast, NVI) |
MPAIT | Marine Protected Area Implementation Team |
MPaTT | Marine Protected Area Technical Team |
MPMO | Major Projects Management Office |
MSC | Marine Stewardship Council |
MSE | Management Strategy Evaluation |
MU | Management Unit |
MUA | Marine Use Analysis (DFO) |
MUP | Marine Use Plan |
MW | megawatt; megawatts |
mW | milliwatt; milliwatts |
MWA | Marine Wildlife Area |
MWG | Marine Working Group |
MWLAP | (BC) Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection |
NCSFNESS | North Coast-Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society |
NGO | Non-governmental organization |
NHA | Northern Health Authority |
NMCA | National Marine Conservation Area |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
NPV | net present value |
NRC | National Research Council |
NRCan | Natural Resources Canada |
HNRC | Heritage & Natural Resource Committee |
H NRD | ( Heritage & ) Natural Resources Department |
NSB | Northern Shelf Bio-Region |
NSCU | Northern Savings Credit Union |
NWCC | Northwest Community College |
NWPA | Navigable Waters Protection Act |
NWPP | Navigable Waters Protection Program |
O&G | oil and gas |
OCC | Oceans Coordinating Committee (Fed-Prov) |
OIT | Old Indian Trick…(groan) |
OM | Old Massett |
OMVC | Old Massett Village Council |
OPP | Ocean Protection Plan |
OPEX | Operational costs |
PA (1) | Protected Area |
PA (2) | Project Agreement |
PACMARA | Pacific Marine Analysis Research Association |
PAMP | Protected Area Management Plan |
PBS | Pacific Biological Station (DFO) |
Pct | Percent |
PICFI | Pacific Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative |
PM | Performance Measures |
PMZ | Protection Management Zone |
PNCIMA | Pacific North Coast Integrated Management Area |
PR (1) | public relations |
PR (2) | Prince Rupert |
PPM | Plan Performance Measures |
PPOR | Potential Places of Refuge |
PRPA | Prince Rupert Port Authority |
QCC | Queen Charlotte City (colloquial name for what is now the Village of Queen Charlotte) |
QCI | Queen Charlotte Islands (former English name for Haida Gwaii) |
RA | Responsible Authority |
RABC | Radio Advisory Board of Canada |
RAF | Regional Action Framework |
RapFISH | Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries |
RCA | Rockfish Conservation Area |
RCMP | Royal Canadian Mounted Police |
RD | Regional Director |
RMAC | Regional Marine Advisory Committee |
ROA | return on assets |
ROI | return on investment |
ROV | remotely operated vehicle |
RoW; ROW | right of way |
RT | Reconciliation Table |
RUAT | Recommended Uses and Activities Table |
SAC | Science Advisory Committee |
SAR | Science Advisory Report |
SARA | Species at Risk Act |
SARA | Scanning Analysis, Response and Assessment |
SBA | Sensitive Bethnic Area |
SBC | Skidegate Band Council |
SCC | Supreme Court of Canada |
SD#50 | School District #50 (Haida Gwaii school district) |
SDMP | streamlined decision-making process |
SECOA | Socio-Economic & Cultural Overview & Assessment |
SHIP | Skidegate Haida Immersion Program |
SHN | Secretariat of the Haida Nation |
SHNFC | Secretariat of the Haida Nation Fisheries Committee |
SIA | Site Index Adjustment |
SK-B MPA | S G aan K inghlas-Bowie Seamount Marine Protected Area |
SKG | Skidegate |
SLUA | Sustainable Land Use Planning Agreement |
SMFCA | Sustainable Marine Fisheries and Communities Alliance |
SMZ | Special Management Zone |
SoG | Strait of Georgia |
SOK | (herring) spawn-on-kelp |
SQCRD | Skeena-Queen Charlotte Regional District |
SSU | Seascape Units |
ST | Solutions Table |
STWG2 | second phase Solutions Table Working Group |
SVA | Special Value Area |
TAC (1) | Technical Advisory Committee |
TAC (2) | Total Allowable Catch |
TBA | to be announced |
TC | Transport Canada |
TEM | Terrestrial Ecosystem Mapping |
TFL | tree farm license |
TFL 60 | Tree Farm License 60 |
THLB | Timber Harvesting Land Base |
THN | Treasury of the Haida Nation |
TK | traditional knowledge |
ToCA | Table of Commitments and Assurances |
ToR; TOR | terms of reference |
TRICORP | Tribal Resources Investment Corporation |
TSA | Timber Supply Area |
TSL | Timber Sales License |
TSR | Timber Supply Review |
TUS | Traditional Use Study |
TWG | Technical Working Group |
TWh | terawatt hours |
UBC | University of British Columbia |
UBCIC | Union of BC Indian Chiefs |
UNBC | University of Northern BC |
VAMSC | Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre |
VDYP | Variable Density Yield Predictor |
VECs | Valued Ecosystem Components |
VP | Vice President |
VRI | Vegetation Resources Inventory |
VSECs | Valued Socio-Economic and Cultural Components |
WCR | West Coast Resorts |
WCVI | West Coast Vancouver Island |
WCVI - AMB | West Coast Vancouver Island - Aquatic Mangament Board |
WF | wind farm |
WIBC | World Indigenous Basketball Challenge |
WRL | White Raven Law (Corporation) |
WRLC | White Raven Law Corporation |
WTG | wind turbine generator |
WWF | World Wildlife Fund |
XKHS | X aad Kil Heritage Society |
YTD | year-to-date |