Acronyms, Abbreviations & Symbols

AACAllowable Annual Cut
AAROMAboriginal Aquatic Resource and Ocean Management Program
AFNAssembly of First Nations
AFOAAboriginal Finance Officer Association of Canada
AFSAAboriginal Fisheries Strategy Agreement
AGMannual general meeting
AIAArchaeological Impact Assessment
AIUSAboriginal Interest and Use Study
AMBArchipelago Management Board
AMBNSActive Migratory Bird Nest Survey Program
AOAArcheological Overview Assessment
AOIArea of Intent
APaccounts payable
ARaccounts receivable
ASAPas soon as possible
ASIAutomatic Identification System
ATTArea Technical Team
AWAArea-Weighted Average
BC-AFCBC - Aboriginal Fisheries Commission
BCEAABC Environmental Assessment Act
BCEAOBC Environmental Assessment Office
BCMCABC Marine Conservation Analysis
BCMECBC Marine Ecological Classification
BCRBand Council Resolution
BCTCBC Treaty Commission
BCTSBC Timber Sales
BMPbest management practices
BZBuffer Zone
CanWEACanadian Wind Energy Association
CAPEXcapital costs
CBCCanadian Broadcasting Corporation
CCGCanadian Coast Guard
CCPCut Control Period
CEAA (1)Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
CEAA (2)Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
CEAPClean Energy Action Plan
CEOChief Executive Officer
CFACommunity Forest Agreement
CFEcommercial fishing enterprise
CFICultural Feature Identification
CFNCoastal First Nations (the organization)
CFO (1)Canadian forest oil
CFO (2)Chief Financial Officer
CHCPConceptual Fish Habitat Compensation Plan
CHNCouncil of the Haida Nation
cmcentimetre; centimetres
CMACostal Management Area
CMAICulmination Mean Annual Increment
CMGcooperative management group
CMTculturally modified tree
CoCoCHN Communications Committee
COConservation Officer
COFCoast Opportunities Fund
CORICoastal Ocean Research Institute
COSCanada's Oceans Strategy
COSEWICCommittee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada
CPCClean Power Call
CPAWSCanadian Parks and Wildlife Society
CSACanadian Sablefish Association
CSACedar Stewardship Area
CSAPCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat-Pacific
CSASCanadian Science Advisory Secretariat
CSCCoastal Shellfish Corporation
CTCGClean Technology Community Group
CWAPCoastal Watershed Assessment Procedure
CWPCultural Wood Permit
CWSCanadian Wildlife Service
DFODepartment of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
DMDistrict Manager
DNDDepartment of National Defense
EAEnvironmental Assessment
EAO(BC) Environmental Assessment Office
EBMEcosystem-Based Management
EBSAsEcologically and Biologically Significant Areas
ECEnvironment Canada
EconIA Economic Impact Analysis
EEZExclusive Economic Zone
EISEnvironmental Impact Statement
EMFelectromagnetic fields
EMPEnvironmental Management Plan
EMSEnvironmental Management System
ENGOsEnvironmental Non-Government Organizations
EOAREcosystem Overview and Assessment Report
ERAFEcological Risk Assessment Framework
ERPEmergency Response Plan
ESSIMEastern Scotian Shelf Integrated Management
ETAestimated time of arrival
FAfederal authority
FCBCHGFrontCounterBC Haida Gwaii
FLForest License
FLNRO R U D(Ministry of) Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations and Urban Rural Development (formerly Ministry of Forests )
FLTCForest License to Cut
FMLBForest Management Land Base
FNFirst Nation
FNFCFirst Nations Fisheries Council
FNGCFirst Nations Governance Committee
FNMPCFirst Nations Marine Policy Committee
FNS(BC) First Nations’ Summit
FN’sFirst Nations
FOWFamily Outreach Worker
FOWPFamily Outreach Worker Program
FRPAForest and Range Practices Act
FSA(Aboriginal) Fisheries Strategy Agreement
FSCForest Stewardship Council
FSPForest Stewardship Plan
FSSAMForest Service Spatial Analysis Model
GBIGreat Bear Initiative
GFCT/GFSGwaii Forest Charitable Trust (formerly Gwaii Forest Society)
GHGwaii Haanas (place); Gwaii Haanas (office/field unit)
GHGgreenhouse gas
GHNPR, NMCAR &HHSGwaii Haanas National Park Reserve, National Marine Conservation Area Reserve, and Haida Heritage Site
GISGeographic Information System
GLgeneral ledger
GMDGeneral Management Direction
GMDCGreater Massett Development Corporation
GMZGeneral Management Zone
GNCGwaalagaa Naay Corporation
GPSGlobal Positioning System
GTGwaii Trust
GTSGwaii Trust Society
GUAGeneral Use Area
GWgigawatt; gigawatts
hahectare; hectares
HADDharmful alteration, disruption or destruction of fish habitat
HaiCoHaida Enterprise Corporation
HBSHarvest Billings System
HCCHereditary Chiefs Council
HCFSSHaida Child and Family Services Society
HCRSHerring Conservation and Research Society
HFCHaida Fisheries Committee
HFPHaida Fisheries Program
HGHaida Gwaii
HGFDHaida Gwaii Forest District
HGMHaida Gwaii Museum
HGMAHaida Gwaii Management Area
HGMCHaida Gwaii Management Council
HGMPHaida Gwaii Marine Plan
HGMSCHaida Gwaii Marine Steering Committee
HGMSGHaida Gwaii Marine Stewardship Group
HHCHaida Heritage Centre (at K a a y Llnagaay)
HLHaida Laas Newsletter; Haida Laas office
HLUVHaida Land Use Vision
HMPAHaida Marine Protected Area
HMTKHaida Marine Traditional Knowledge
HMWGHaida Marine Work Group
HNRCHeritage and Natural Resources Committee
H&NRD; HNRDHeritage and Natural Resources Department
HOA; HoAHouse of Assembly
HOTTHaida Oceans Technical Team
HPAHaida Power Authority
HRhuman resources
HRDHuman Resources Department
HTLPHaida Tourism Limited Partnership
IACIntegrated Advisory Committee
IALAInternational Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities
IAsImportant Areas
ICZMIntegrated Coastal Zone Management
IFMPIntegrated Fisheries Management Plans
IHHPCIntegrated Herring Harvest Planning Committee
IHPCIntegrated Harvest Planning Committee
IMTIntegrated Management Team
IMUPIntegrated Marine Use Planning
INACIn digenous dian and Northern Affairs Canada (now Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada )
IPHCInternational Pacific Halibut Commission
IQIndividual Quota
IRRinternal rate of return
ISTIntegrated Stewardship Team
ITinformation technology
ITQIndividual Transferable Quota
ITSQIndividual Transferable Share Quota
IUCNInternational Union for Conservation of Nature
IUPInvestigative Use Permit
IVQIndividual Vessel Quota
JRPJoint Review Panel
JVjoint venture
K ayK ay Llnagaay (place); Haida Heritage Centre at K ay Llnagaay
K&KKunst’aa.Guu – Kunst’aa.yah Reconciliation Protocol
K2KKunst’aa.Guu – Kunst’aa.yah Reconciliation Protocol
K2Kunst’aa.Guu – Kunst’aa.yah Reconciliation Protocol
kgkilogram; kilograms
KKRPKunst’aa Guu - Kunst’aayah Reconciliation Protocol
kmkilometre; kilometres
km/hkilometres per hour
kVkilovolt; kilovolts
Llitre; litres
LBCSLaskeek Bay Conservation Society
LEKLocal Ecological Knowledge
LMPPLabour Market Partnership Program
LNG liquified natural gas
LOALetter of Agreement
LOILetter of Intent
LOSLiving Oceans Society
LoULetter of Understanding
LRMPLand and Resource Management Plan
LRSYLong Run Sustained Yield
LTCLicense to Cut
LTHLLong Term Harvest Level
LUO, LUOO(Haida Gwaii) Land Use Order Objective Objectives Order
LUPLand Use Plan
mmetre; metres
M 3cubic metre; cubic metres
MACMarine Advisory Committee
MAIMean Annual Increment
MaPPMarine Planning Partnership for the North Pacific Coast
MBCAMigratory Birds Convention Act
MBRMigratory Birds Regulations
MCMaster of Ceremonies
MCCMarine Coordinating Committee
MCFDMinistry of Children and Family Development
MCTMarine Conservation Target
MCTMarine Coordination Team
MCTSMarine Communication and Traffic Services
MDCMetlakatla Development Corporation
MHAMinimum Harvest Age
MIEDSMisty Isles Economic Development Society
MITTMaPP Implementation Technical Team
MIMCMoresby Island Management Committee
MLAMember of the Legislative Assembly
mmmillimeter; millimetres
MMDSMultichannel Multipoint Distribution System
MoE; MOE(BC) Ministry of Environment
MoU; MOUMemorandum of Understanding
MPMember of Parliament
MPAMarine Protected Area
MPACMarine Planning Advisory Committee (North Coast, Central Coast, NVI)
MPAITMarine Protected Area Implementation Team
MPaTTMarine Protected Area Technical Team
MPMOMajor Projects Management Office
MSCMarine Stewardship Council
MSEManagement Strategy Evaluation
MUManagement Unit
MUAMarine Use Analysis (DFO)
MUPMarine Use Plan
MWmegawatt; megawatts
mWmilliwatt; milliwatts
MWAMarine Wildlife Area
MWGMarine Working Group
MWLAP(BC) Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection
NCSFNESSNorth Coast-Skeena First Nations Stewardship Society
NGONon-governmental organization
NHANorthern Health Authority
NMCANational Marine Conservation Area
NOAANational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NPVnet present value
NRCNational Research Council
NRCanNatural Resources Canada
HNRCHeritage & Natural Resource Committee
H NRD( Heritage & ) Natural Resources Department
NSBNorthern Shelf Bio-Region
NSCUNorthern Savings Credit Union
NWCCNorthwest Community College
NWPANavigable Waters Protection Act
NWPPNavigable Waters Protection Program
O&Goil and gas
OCCOceans Coordinating Committee (Fed-Prov)
OITOld Indian Trick…(groan)
OMOld Massett
OMVCOld Massett Village Council
OPPOcean Protection Plan
OPEXOperational costs
PA (1)Protected Area
PA (2)Project Agreement
PACMARAPacific Marine Analysis Research Association
PAMPProtected Area Management Plan
PBSPacific Biological Station (DFO)
PICFIPacific Integrated Commercial Fisheries Initiative
PMPerformance Measures
PMZProtection Management Zone
PNCIMAPacific North Coast Integrated Management Area
PR (1)public relations
PR (2)Prince Rupert
PPMPlan Performance Measures
PPORPotential Places of Refuge
PRPAPrince Rupert Port Authority
QCCQueen Charlotte City (colloquial name for what is now the Village of Queen Charlotte)
QCIQueen Charlotte Islands (former English name for Haida Gwaii)
RAResponsible Authority
RABCRadio Advisory Board of Canada
RAFRegional Action Framework
RapFISHRapid Appraisal for Fisheries
RCARockfish Conservation Area
RCMPRoyal Canadian Mounted Police
RD Regional Director
RMACRegional Marine Advisory Committee
ROAreturn on assets
ROIreturn on investment
ROVremotely operated vehicle
RoW; ROWright of way
RTReconciliation Table
RUATRecommended Uses and Activities Table
SACScience Advisory Committee
SARScience Advisory Report
SARASpecies at Risk Act
SARAScanning Analysis, Response and Assessment
SBASensitive Bethnic Area
SBCSkidegate Band Council
SCCSupreme Court of Canada
SD#50School District #50 (Haida Gwaii school district)
SDMPstreamlined decision-making process
SECOASocio-Economic & Cultural Overview & Assessment
SHIPSkidegate Haida Immersion Program
SHNSecretariat of the Haida Nation
SHNFCSecretariat of the Haida Nation Fisheries Committee
SIASite Index Adjustment
SK-B MPAS G aan K inghlas-Bowie Seamount Marine Protected Area
SLUASustainable Land Use Planning Agreement
SMFCASustainable Marine Fisheries and Communities Alliance
SMZSpecial Management Zone
SoGStrait of Georgia
SOK(herring) spawn-on-kelp
SQCRDSkeena-Queen Charlotte Regional District
SSUSeascape Units
STSolutions Table
STWG2second phase Solutions Table Working Group
SVASpecial Value Area
TAC (1)Technical Advisory Committee
TAC (2)Total Allowable Catch
TBAto be announced
TCTransport Canada
TEMTerrestrial Ecosystem Mapping
TFLtree farm license
TFL 60Tree Farm License 60
THLBTimber Harvesting Land Base
THNTreasury of the Haida Nation
TKtraditional knowledge
ToCATable of Commitments and Assurances
ToR; TORterms of reference
TRICORPTribal Resources Investment Corporation
TSATimber Supply Area
TSLTimber Sales License
TSRTimber Supply Review
TUSTraditional Use Study
TWGTechnical Working Group
TWhterawatt hours
UBCUniversity of British Columbia
UBCICUnion of BC Indian Chiefs
UNBCUniversity of Northern BC
VAMSCVancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre
VDYPVariable Density Yield Predictor
VECsValued Ecosystem Components
VPVice President
VRIVegetation Resources Inventory
VSECsValued Socio-Economic and Cultural Components
WCRWest Coast Resorts
WCVIWest Coast Vancouver Island
WCVI - AMBWest Coast Vancouver Island - Aquatic Mangament Board
WFwind farm
WIBCWorld Indigenous Basketball Challenge
WRLWhite Raven Law (Corporation)
WRLCWhite Raven Law Corporation
WTGwind turbine generator
WWFWorld Wildlife Fund
XKHSX aad Kil Heritage Society


Acronyms, Abbreviations & Symbols
Acronyms, Abbreviations & Symbols