Because gina ’waadluxan gud ad kwaagid everything depends on everything else: A summary of Haida Gwaii Marine Protected Areas Virtual Open House

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Photo credit: Deirdre Leowinata – Pacific Wild

On January 21, 2021, CHN welcomed over 50 people from both Hlɢ̲aagilda Skidegate and Gaw Tlagee Old Massett online on zoom to share how CHN’s Marine Planning Program is protecting marine resources for Haida citizens.

The evening started off with a welcome by Haida Nation President Gaagwiis Jason Alsop, who reminded everyone how many different Xaads siigee tl’a damaan tl’a king giigangs Haida marine protected areas already exist, their importance for protecting resources and the continuous access Haida Citizens have to harvest in Marine Protected Areas. Elders and kids alike enjoyed an exciting game of Xaad/ Xaayda kil Haida language bingo led by the former marine planning program interns Kil Hltaanuwaay Tayler Brown and K’aayhldaa Xyaalaas Rayne Boyko. Later Gidadɢ̲uudsliiyas Kim Goetzinger said a prayer and everyone ate their catered dinner in their own homes, but still virtually connected. During dinner Marine Planning Program Manager Gudt’aawt’is Judson Brown expanded on CHN’s marine spatial planning work and the existing and planned Marine Protected Areas on Haida Gwaii.

In a game of Haida Gwaii Trivia, some of the youngest participants won the biggest prizes, including the grand prizes of a giant frozen fish selection, gift certificates from the Longhouse Gift Shop, Sarah’s Longhouse and more!

The evening closed with a lively question and answer session and some valuable advice by participating Elders: We all need to keep protecting Haida Gwaii whether it be the sea or the forest, for food fishing or traditional harvesting, because gina ’waadluxan gud ad kwaagid everything depends on everything else.


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