Haida Gwaii State of Emergency and Luxury Lodges: A Timeline of 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic presents a substantial stress and threat to citizens worldwide. Remote communities face special challenges with limited resources, and Indigenous communities have been especially triggered with historical traumas, while also carrying the responsibility to protect vulnerable Elders and cultural knowledge holders. The risk that COVID-19 poses has been Read more…

St’ii kaa (COVID-19) sk’yanxan uu Xaayda kil gud ad t’alang kihlgul Sickness walking even still Haida language together we speak

Kihlgula Gaay.ya Severn Cullis-Suzuki   This article was originally published in Langscape Magazine (Vol. 9, 2020). It was adapted for Haida Laas.  I am honored to be an immigrant to Haida Gwaii. My blood comes from England and Japan. My family came to visit Haida Gwaii when I was a child, Read more…