CHN Swearing-In Celebration
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CHN Swearing-In Celebration
On January 17, 2025 at the Naagudgiikyagangs Small Hall in HlG̲aagilda, just over 40 people came out to celebrate the recently elected Council of the Haida Nation representatives. The event started with an opening prayer and an acknowledgement of a recent passing within the nation.

With support from GwaaG̲anad Diane Brown, the representatives recited the CHN’s Representative Oath of Office in X̲aayda Kil and English, which reads:
Dalang X̲aaydaG̲as ‘waadlux̲an x̲ang.guu han hll suu ga:
I, hereby commit to my people and declare before all witnesses that I will:
X̲aayda GwaayG̲alang G̲an sda hll kihlgulas G̲an dii kiiG̲a tl’l k’wii gan, gud k̲aajagid naay sdaa uu dii tl’l kilG̲uhlG̲as ga, X̲aayda GwaayG̲alang han.nuu tl’l suu, Gina gud x̲aaynang.ngaay ang.G̲a tl’l k̲yang.gaay ‘laa.
Represent the Haida Nation, through the directives of the House of Assembly, as stated in the Haida Constitution and Policies of the Haida Nation.
‘Ga k̲aaxaajuus guu kiiG̲ang tl’l k̲’aalang da gan, asii G̲an yahguudang.ngaay ‘waagii kilxii G̲ang ga
I will uphold the principles of the Haida Accord; and
X̲aayda GwaayG̲alang G̲an uu hll hlG̲ang.gulx̲as ga, id kuuniisii X̲aaydas giinaa.ah id stlaay G̲id isda, gina sida k’adjuu daahlG̲ahl G̲aadx̲an, X̲aayda Gwaay.yaay G̲aa hll k̲yahts’as ga,
I will serve the Haida Nation without compromise to the responsibility entrusted to us by our ancestors to look after Haida Gwaii, and
Yahguudang ad x̲aayin hll dant’is ad uu aniis gud hll ‘waa G̲as ga, X̲aayda GwaayG̲alang G̲an hll dlljuu ‘laa G̲as ga.
I will respectfully serve this term of office to the best of my abilities and in doing so, uphold the dignity of the Haida Nation.
After eating a catered lunch, each representative provided a recap of their orientation week and what they are looking forward to this term.

To end, Taa.uu ‘Yuwaans Nika Collison and others led the group of two songs to end the celebration.
Stay tuned for updates on the new representative’s work throughout their term!