Council of the Haida Nation: Governance Update

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The Council of the Haida Nation acknowledges Kaad Giidee Robert Bennett who resigned from his position as Gaw Tlagee Old Massett representative earlier this summer. Kaad Giidee served as an elected representative since 2013. In this current term, he held a seat on the Fisheries Committee, Haida Marine Work Group, the SGaan Kinghlas Management Board and Archipelago Management Board, among others. Kaad Giidee’s marine experience and expertise were valuable contributions to the Haida Nation.  

Haw’aa for your many years of service, Kaad Giidee! 

Due to restraints from COVID-19, the Council of the Haida Nation has decided not to hold a by-election at this time but will ensure that committee vacancies are filled. The next regular election will be December 2021.  


Departure of Council of the Haida Nation Representatives is outlined in Section A7 of the Constitution of the Haida Nation. A list of current CHN Elected Representatives is available under Governance > Representatives at <>  

SGaan Kinghlas – Bowie Seamount image from July/August 2019. Photo Credit: Ian McAllister/Pacific Wild

1 Comment

Daphne White · September 25, 2020 at 1:21 am

Think we should have the bi election. There is decisions made that leaves Old Massett short a vote, and most important lacks A Voice on Old Massett’s behalf. The election regulations should be adhered to. There is masks, self distancing, sanitizing. If school kids can attend school, we can have this vote in a safe manner.

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