Fractured Land, Focussed Mind

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Photo: Two Island Films

— Rhonda Lee McIsaac

Walking down a rainy street in downtown Toronto, Dene lawyer and activist Caleb Behn returns a call to the Council of the Haida Nation communications office to discuss his upcoming visit to Haida Gwaii.

Mr. Behn is coming to the Islands to screen the film Fractured Land, which features his fight against the destruction of his territory from fracking and gas extraction in north-eastern BC.

At the screening’s he will also be speaking about what LNG and fracking could mean to Haida Gwaii.

The film will be shown at the Performing House at Kay Llnagaay at 7pm, Skidegate on April 21 and at Tluu Xaadaa Naay Longhouse at 7pm, in Old Massett on the 22.

“I am cognisant of the history and importance of [Haida Gwaii]. I’m really excited” he says. “I’ve not been [to Haida Gwaii] since I was a child and I am stoked to be coming again.”

“I come from the two biggest – no, let me rephrase that – the two biggest ‘unconventional’ [gas] fields in Canada,” he states, locating his homeland between two major fracking areas.

He is very aware of what the future may hold for the Northwest coast should fracking expand from his territory to the coastal waters of the Pacific. In his eyes, there is a possibility of seeing a gas rig from the shores of Haida Gwaii.

“There are gas fields off the coast of Haida Gwaii, in Lax Kw’alaams, in Carrier territory,” he said, and the gas fields extend all the way to his home territory into Alberta.

Mr. Behn is immersed in LNG and telling his story. He commends the Skidegate Saints basketball team and their efforts protesting LNG at the All Native Basketball Tournament this past February. This type of activism is important, he said.

“I will be present at the screenings [in Old Massett and Skidegate]. I’m here to serve the people. Anything you want to talk about, I’m here. I want Haida Gwaii to know I’m here to support you so don’t hold back,” he said.

This event is sponsored by Council of the Haida Nation, Haida Gwaii CoASt, and Gwaii Trust Society. Free admission. Everyone welcome!

[vimeo 57914714 w=640 h=360]

Fractured Land Official Trailer from Fractured Land on Vimeo.

Categories: LNG


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