Haida Gwaii ʹÍináang | Iinang Herring Rebuilding Plan
The draft Haida Gwaii ʹíináang | iinang Pacific Herring: An Ecosystem Overview and Ecosystem-based Rebuilding Plan is available for your review and comments.
Download the Draft Herring Rebuilding Plan here:
The draft plan was co-developed by a Technical Working Group (TWG) made up of members from the Council of Haida Nation (CHN), the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), and Parks Canada Agency (PCA). The draft plan provides an overview of the Pacific herring ecosystem in Haida Gwaii, incorporating Haida traditional knowledge, and implementing an ecosystem-based management approach. It supports objectives and targets laid out in the Gwaii Haanas Gina ʹWaadlux̲an KilG̲uhlG̲a Land-Sea-People Management Plan and also meets requirements under the new Fish Stocks Provisions in the amended Fisheries Act.
The draft plan proposes some key changes to the management of herring in Haida Gwaii, including:
- Managing Haida Gwaii herring at a finer-scale
- Establishing rebuilding targets with ecosystem considerations
- Prioritizing low-impact commercial fisheries while rebuilding
- Recommending monitoring and research priorities
- Establishing a foundation for an ecosystem-based management approach.
Residents are invited to come out to Community Dinners held in both Gaw Tlagée and HlGaagilda, where members of the Technical Working Group will provide further information on the Draft Herring Rebuilding Plan. Please see below for dates and times.
- Gaw Tlagée Old Masset Community Hall on December 5th, 2022 from 5pm- 8:30pm
- HlGaagilda Skidegate Naagudgiikyagangs Small Hall on December 6th, 2022 from 5pm- 8:30pm
Comments on the draft plan can be submitted here until December 16th , 2022.
Appendices with additional information that support the draft plan can be found here.
If you would like to discuss the draft plan with the Technical Working Group, please contact any of the following members to set up a meeting:
Skil Jaaada (Council of Haida Nation): mpp.marine.bio@haidanation.com
Lynn Lee (Gwaii Haanas Parks Canada): Lynn.Lee@pc.gc.ca
Sarah Hawkshaw (DFO): Sarah.Hawkshaw@dfo-mpo.gc.ca