IINANG (Herring): UPDATE 2

Published by info@haidanation.com on

Haida Fisheries officers aboard the Haida Guardian joined the fishing vessel Queens Reach last week passing through Daa’ulgaay Skidegate Narrows to Duu Guusd the West Coast of Haida Gwaii. The crew measured iinang herring numbers at Kayy Kaahlii Port Louis and Ahluu Kaahlii Port Chanal and is completing tests at Chaahl’uu Kaahlii Rennel Sound.

So far crews detected an estimated 4900 tons of Giigang herring schools through soundings on the east coast, with 3000 tons of those schooling around Gwaay GudgiiGaagid Kat Island to Gwaay Ts’iisii Park Island. An additional 3500 tons have been detected around Duu Guusd, with 3500 of those schooling around Kayy Kaahlii. Crews also spotted sGung.ga signs of spawn along a 1.9km stretch of the northeast shore of GawGajaang Louscoone Inlet.

The new moon on 27 March will mark the beginning of K’aawdang Kung herring roe on kelp month or April.

Categories: herringMarine


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