Indian Day School Settlement Claims Process Begins

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Rhonda Lee McIsaac

The claims process for those eligible and who attended the Federal Indian Day Schools and Federal Day Schools opened yesterday, January 13, 2020. The process is open for more than two years, and claim forms can be submitted through to July 13, 2022. This has been a long time coming for qualified Class Members who started this claim in 2009.

In August 2019, the Federal Court approved a national class settlement for harms suffered while attending the Federal Indian Day Schools and Federal Day Schools. More than 120,000 former students are included in this case. These survivors were left out of the Indian Residential School (IRS) Settlement Agreement process of 2006.

Over 700 Day Schools were operated across Canada by organizations and governments that were also involved in the IRS system. Masset and Skidegate are shown below. For other schools, please see the approved list, Schedule K.

While no amount of money can compensate for any trauma and injury experienced at Federal Indian Day Schools and Federal Day Schools, the settlement includes compensation for eligible Survivor Class Members ranging from $10,000 to $200,000 based on the level of harm experienced while in these institutions.

For those who are affected by this settlement and claims process, the Haida Gwaii Legal Project Society offices in Masset and Skidegate can assist with Claims forms.

Counselling and support are available from the Old Massett Health Centre 250-626-3911. Mental health counselling and crisis support is also available to Class Members through The Hope for Wellness Hotline. 1-855-242-3310. Or access the online chat at

  • Haida Gwaii Legal Society Project, MASSET: 250.626.3522
  • Haida Gwaii Legal Society Project, SKIDEGATE: 250.559.9042
  • Old Massett Health Centre: 250.626.3911
  •  Hope for Wellness Hotline: 1.855.242.3310

For Claims Forms, eligibility requirements, and updates, call 1-888-221-2898 or go to

Province School Name Name Variants Opening Date Closing or Transfer Date Location Religious Affiliation
British Columbia Masset Massett Old Masset Village School 1877 May 1, 1974 Massett Reserve, B.C. Anglican Church
British Columbia Skidegate   1894 August 1, 1965 Five miles east of Queen Charlotte City Methodist Church United Church


1 Comment

Karen · January 15, 2020 at 10:46 am

thank you for posting!

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