A heartfelt ‘haawa’ to Museum Executive Director, Dr. Scott Marsden, who is departing after dedicating four years to Saahlinda Naay The Haida Gwaii Museum. Among his many accomplishments, Dr Marsden oversaw and found funding for digitizing the museum’s collection, archival improvements, major and urgent renovations, and the creation of an e-museum. He is also the inspiration behind Saahlinda Naay’s popular annual Museum Fundraising Gala and Auction.
Jisgang Nika Collison has been brought in as the new Executive Director. Since 2000, Jisgang has worked as Curator of Saahlinda Naay. This year she received the Michael M. Ames award from the Council for Museum Anthropology, and the BC Museums Association recognized her as one of 2017s top 10 cultural professionals. The recognitions are based on her Indigenous scholarship; working with her Nation to bring home both Haida Ancestral remains and cultural treasures from museums around the world; and her mentoring. Congratulations, Jisgang!