Invasive European Green Crab Alert at K’áaga GaaGawaay Skidgate Beach and Tll.aal Gandlaay Tlell River
Large numbers of invasive European Green Crabs (EGC) were found at K’áaga GaaGawaay Skidegate Beach and in the Tll.aal Gandlaay Tlell River in September 2021.
While at the beach between the Hiit’agan.iina Kuuyas Naay Skidegate Youth Center and the mouth of HlGaa Kiidats Gandlaay Slarkedus Creek, only molts of juvenile European Green Crabs were found so far, at Tll.aal Gandlaay several dozen live juvenile crabs were found in the muddy river banks. The shells of juvenile crabs found are as small as 3-6 cm wide. Adult maximum size can reach up to 10 cm across its shell. Juvenile crabs look very similar to adults and are identified the same way, by the five distinct spines lateral to each eye.
The invasive European Green Crabs were first found on Haida Gwaii in the summer of 2020. Since then, CHN has been working with subject-matter experts and federal and provincial government partners to implement a multi-year response program, which includes trapping efforts for monitoring and population control.
If you are interested in volunteering for the program, please reach out to the European Green Crab Response Team at
Please join the effort to limit this invasive species by sharing this post widely among your family, friends and neighbors on Haida Gwaii and keeping your eyes open for live crabs and molts.
IF YOU SEE A GREEN CRAB, follow these 3 steps:
1. Take a photo
2. Note the GPS/location
3. Send both of the above to
Learn to identify the European Green Crab: MarineInvasiveSpeciesIDGuide_Finalwebversion.pdf (
Invasive European green crab found on Haida Gwaii | Council of the Haida Nation
Want to know more about EGC on HG, watch the webinar: Webinars | Council of the Haida Nation