March 18, 2020
In collaboration with All Island leaders and health authorities, the Council of the Haida Nation discourages all non-resident travel to our Islands for the time being. In efforts to limit the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19), CHN urges against all leisure travellers to Haida Gwaii. This decision was made after careful consideration and discussion with Village Councils and Municipalities and will not impact essential services to Island citizens or those returning home.
Given our culture, remote geography and limited healthcare resources, we have made this critical decision to protect Island citizens, and especially our cherished Elders, language speakers and knowledge holders.
These are extraordinary times around the world and Haida Gwaii is no exception. We have a responsibility as Island citizens to take care of each other and the safety of our communities during this time of uncertainty. The CHN is committed to that responsibility and will take every proactive measure necessary to protect our communities from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prevention and preparedness are fundamental to our communities’ health and well-being. If you can, please stay home and continue to support the most vulnerable members of our communities, together we can save lives.
James Sawyer · March 18, 2020 at 5:06 pm
So has anyone from CHN contacted Bc Ferries and airlines on the island…and what was thier response ???
Alice Cooper · March 25, 2020 at 10:32 am
BC Ferries is currently allowing tourists to visit Haida Gwaii. This appears to be a blatant disrespect to the people of Haida Gwaii. No flights are landing here at present time, with BC Ferry allowing tourists here this seems redundant. Please email BC Ferry CEO Mark Collins with concerns, as BC Ferries should be held accountable if the Corona Virus reaches us.
Albert gordon · March 18, 2020 at 7:02 pm
I think this is a excellent idea to limit the risk to a population that is vulnerable because of isolation and if you’s shelter your selves and be vigilant in your efforts this illness may very well pass you’s by. Good luck to all of you’s .
Kirsten Ebsen · March 18, 2020 at 9:45 pm
It may effect your economy but it’s a wise decision, until this is behind us all. Hopeful necessary foods will still come to your island. And hopefully any meds required will also still be available.
Steven Weisman · March 19, 2020 at 8:25 am
Hang in there. All the best
Dan Farrell · March 19, 2020 at 9:20 am
Great news! We must protect the elders at all costs or risk the loss of valuable knowledge.
Gordon Usher · March 22, 2020 at 10:24 am
Lets send all non permanent residents packing. When an American shows up who lives in Washington State and socializes at the coffee club with other town seniors and people visit him are they really doing the best thing for the community?
Barb Trglavcnik · March 26, 2020 at 12:21 pm
BC Ferries is currently allowing tourists to visit Haida Gwaii. No flights are landing here at present time. It simply isn’t good enough for BC ferries to request only essential travel. Please contact CEO of BC Ferries Mark Collins at: Ask him why he is not concerned with the health and well being of the people of Haida Gwaii? There must be government involvement. A mandated order needs to be put in place immediately. Please write The Right Honourable Adrian Dix at: Ask him to limit BC Ferries to Prince Rupert and Haida Gwaii to residents and essential traffic only.The residents of Haida Gwaii are doing all they can to flatten the curve of the pandemic, please help us do so.
robert ward · March 30, 2020 at 5:52 pm
It is shocking that BC Ferries and BC Govt have left open this door to the virus, which if it gets a hold in a remote community, would a repeat of the small pox viruses of the 19th century.
I have emailed to the two persons above. but the press should hear about this shocking mistake.