Statement on Vice-President Trevor Russ’ Departure | October 23, 2023
October 23, 2023
Statement on Vice-President Trevor Russ’ Departure
With gratitude and appreciation, the Council of the Haida Nation announces the resignation of Ginn Wadluu un Uula Isdaa Ayaagang, Trevor Russ as Vice-President of the Haida Nation.
After serving as an elected representative since 2007 and as Vice-President since 2012, he has decided not to pursue re-election and has accepted a position with the Coastal First Nations (CFN) alliance. In this role, he will continue to support the Haida Nation through his work with our partners at CFN.
Trevor has expressed his ongoing support and belief in the Council of the Haida Nation, Haida Constitution, and the Haida Accord: “I trust in Gaagwiis’ leadership, and the work that is in place for the Haida Nation to be sovereign, independent and self-sufficient and have confidence in him and Council to make that a reality under the mandate of the Council of the Haida Nation.”
“The CHN would like to extend a heartfelt haawa/haaw’aa to Trevor and his family for his last sixteen years of service as an elected representative of Old Massett and as Vice-President of the Haida Nation,” said Gaagwiis, President of the Haida Nation. “We wish Trevor all the best in his new role and look forward to continuing to work together.”
Article 7 section 26 of the Haida Constitution identifies the process for CHN to fill the vacancy of Vice-President by selecting a new Vice-President from amongst the Council.
The CHN will announce the fulfillment of the position of Vice-President in the coming weeks following deliberations amongst elected representatives.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Name: Ileah Mattice, Communications Coordinator Phone (250) 922-5900
About the Council of the Haida Nation:
The Haida Nation is the rightful heir to Haida Gwaii. Our culture is born of respect; and intimacy with the land and sea and the air around us. Like the forests, the roots of our people are intertwined such that the greatest troubles cannot overcome us. We owe our existence to Haida Gwaii. The living generation accepts the responsibility to ensure that our heritage is passed on to following generations. On these islands our ancestors lived and died and here too, we will make our homes until called away to join them in the great beyond.
1 Comment
captgold · October 23, 2023 at 5:59 pm
Howa Trevor, now the light and sparkle moves away to serve another place, will miss that wonderful support and leadership from you, and good luck on your new path, may the road be a rewarding smooth one.