PRESS RELEASE: Educational camp supported by Haida Nation

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Photo: Jonathan Ebbs

Photo: Jonathan Ebbs



The conflict arising over proposed logging in the Mosquito Lake watershed adjacent to the Mount Moresby Adventure Camp is a priority issue being immediately addressed by the Haida Nation. The Nation is in contact with the province of BC and trying to resolve the situation in the interest of the Islands community

The 16-hectare cut block, proposed by Timber West, which is to be logged by Teal Jones is adjacent to the Mount Moresby Adventure Camp, an educational facility that has been operating in the area for over ten years.

“This camp has been a part in the education of most of the children on Haida Gwaii. Logging a forest, that is used to teach youth about the forest, makes no sense at all,” said kil tlaats ‘gaa Peter Lantin, President of the Haida Nation. “Our Council has been directed by the House of Assembly to protect the area and under our law we are obligated to do that.”

The Haida Nation has been involved in trying to resolve this dispute with the Province for the past year when it became apparent that the parties disagreed on how the area should be used. Recently, community concerns were brought to the Haida Nation by the Moresby Mountain Adventure Camp board when it became known that the province was close to signing off on the cut permit.

“Since signing the land use agreement with the Province there have only been a handful of disagreements about how our resources are managed. Unfortunately this one is serious. We are talking about the best use of an area in the long term. We believe using the forest to educate youth in the long term is a better use than logging it for short term gain,” said kil tlaats ‘gaa

The Nation met with a number of community groups to discuss the situation on Monday, January 11, 2016 and is in support of the initiative being taken by the Mount Moresby Adventure Camp to keep the area intact.

“A coalition of Haida and Islanders’ is a powerful force which has proved that taking responsibility and standing up for Haida Gwaii pays off,” said kil tlaats ‘gaa. “There is a lot of experience in this room and working together on this issue strengthens our resolve.”


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