RAF it Up

Marine debris accumulates on Naasduu Gwaay.yaay (Hippa Island). The MaPP Regional Action Framework, completed this spring, outlines regional actions to address marine pollution. Photo by Gid Uuwans (Dana Moraes).
A new regional framework has recently been completed by the Marine Planning Partnership (MaPP), a collaborative government-to-government partnership between seventeen First Nations – including the Haida Nation – and the Province of British Columbia.
While the Haida Gwaii Marine Plan (completed in 2015) is focused on improving marine management at the Haida Gwaii scale, the MaPP Regional Action Framework or RAF identifies actions that will be most effectively implemented on a coast-wide scale. The RAF builds on the four sub-regional marine plans for Haida Gwaii, North Coast, Central Coast, and Northern Vancouver Island, and supports implementation efforts by the Haida Nation and other planning partners.
Examples of specific RAF actions include:
- Moving forward on collaborative governance arrangements between the province and MaPP First Nations;
- Increasing First Nations involvement in monitoring, compliance, and enforcement activities;
- Evaluating the risks posed by, and increasing public awareness of, climate change;
- Supporting sub-regions to increase local economic benefits from shellfish aquaculture and seafood processing; and
- Working at a regional level to minimize marine pollution, including pollution hazards related to current levels of marine shipping in the North Pacific.
Implementation of the RAF will begin this year, led by provincial and First Nations governments. Federal government agencies, local government, stakeholders, and the general public will also be involved in implementation of regional actions as appropriate.
For more information on the MaPP Regional Action Framework, click here.
[Link – http://mappocean.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/raf_mapp_v2.22_web.pdf]