UPDATE: Bus route along the Highway of Tears
Rhonda Lee McIsaac
“I’ve been trying to promote this [new bus route] initiative as much as possible as I did with the community transit routes with BC Transit,” says longtime activist, Brenda Wilson-John sister, Ramona, was murdered along Highway 16, 22 years ago.
To address the ongoing issue of safe travel along the highway, the Province of BC announced a new “interim” long-haul bus service along the highway. Four highway coaches with storage and lavatories are now rolling through communities with two round-trips per week between Prince Rupert and Prince George, Prince George and Valemount, and Prince George to Dawson Creek and Fort St. John. There is also a single weekly round-trip between Fort Nelson and Dawson Creek and Fort St. John. Pacific Western Transportation operates the four routes.
Transportation in northern BC is vital for many small communities, students and women and children to get to and from town, and for tourists. The recent announcements by Greyhound stopping their bus service in the prairie provinces and BC, except for the Vancouver to Seattle route, has caused a lot of concern and anxiety.
From Prince Rupert, the BC Bus North leaves Friday and Sunday at 8am from 7th at 1st Avenue (at the Highliner). One-way fares vary between $35 and $45 depending on how far the ride is.
Call 1-844-564-7494 or book a seat online at www.bcbus.ca. Payments can be made by credit or debit card at the bus. No cash will be accepted at the bus.
Long term funding is yet to be found but the Province will fund BC Bus North for the next 12 months. Ridership will be a determining factor to keep these routes in service.

PC: BC Bus Website