What nice Ovoids you have!

Published by info@haidanation.com on

Rhonda Lee McIsaac —

Over the past few months, Kilthguulans Christian White has been busy instructing the young carvers in the practical application of Northwest Coast Art. Apprentices Daisy White, Shaylana Brown, Jennica Bell, Tiffany Boyko, Jay Bellis, Captain Stewart-Burton, Shane Bell, and Paul Biron have all had their tools making marks on the cedar pole they have been working on since early December 2016. With less than a week to go, the details are being added to the pole but the lessons still continue.

One of the main elements of Northwest Coast art design found on the pole is the ovoid. An ovoid is a basic element of Haida form line as is the “U” shape. The ovoid is a rounded rectangular with thick full lines on top and a thinner form line on the bottom. The ovoid is used throughout the pole design.

An ovoid can be placed right side up, upside down or sideways in a design and is used in various positions but the shape remains consistent even when scaled up and down. Ovoid’s provide balance to a design bringing harmony, flow, and motion to the design.

Kilthguulans is joined by journeymen carvers Derek White, Vernon White, Corey Bulpitt, with assistance from Roger Smith and Gwaliga Hart. Their experience and skill have also been shared with the apprentices throughout the carving and instruction process.


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