WIBC: Lenguaje de amor y baloncesto (Language of love and basketball )
Rhonda Lee McIsaac —
Serranos Zapotecos, Mixes and Chinantecos are coming down to sea level. The team comes from Guelatao, a village in the Sierra Madre mountains of Oaxaca, Mexico, where basketball is a way of life and where champions are born, raised, praised, and remembered by fans of all ages. The Zapotecos, Mixe and Chinantecos team have a history of being champions on the court. Alain Arian Santiago Garcia, team representative, spoke to Haida Laas about their upcoming trip to the 2017 World Indigenous Basketball Tournament.
Hola, les escribimos con mucho gusto desde la Sierra Norte del Estado de Oaxaca, México.
Hello, we are writing with pleasure from the Sierra Norte of the State of Oaxaca, Mexico.
En esta ocasión decidimos darle mayor seguimiento a la invitación que nos hicieron, el año pasado no se concretó la participación y por lo tanto no llegamos al desafío. Agradecemos que nuevamente nos inviten y que en este año podamos estar con pueblos originarios de diferentes partes del mundo.
This time we decided to give more follow-up to the invitation they gave us, last year the participation did not materialize and therefore we did not meet the challenge. We thank you again for inviting us and that this year we can be with native peoples from different parts of the world.
Nuestro equipo se esta preparando para poder cumplir con responsabilidad esta nueva aventura deportiva.
Our team is preparing to be able to fulfill this new sport adventure with responsibility.
Para la parte cultural llevaremos música en un CD de la Banda Filarmónica Infantil y Juvenil “YelaToo” de nuestra comunidad de Guelatao, de la misma manera estaremos poniendo a la venta dicho CD para las personas que gusten apoyar.
For the cultural part we will bring music on a CD of the Children and Youth Philharmonic Band “YelaToo” of our community Guelatao, at the same time we will be selling the CD for people who would like to support.
Por nuestra parte queremos ver la posibilidad de poder transmitir en vivo vía Facebook live o retomar la señal que la Universidad transmitirá. Espero que podamos lograr este propósito, ya que también estamos grabando una película de nuestro torneo de basketball en nuestra comunidad.
For our part we want to see about the possibility of being able to transmit live via Facebook live. I hope we can achieve this, as we are also shooting a movie of our basketball tournament in our community.
Por otra parte quisiéramos dar a conocer la historia de nuestro torneo, ya que en este 2017 cumple 40 años de haberse integrado.
On the other hand we would like to make known the history of our tournament, it is completing 40 years of integrating.
We can’t wait to hear more from this team and see them play against the first runner up from the 2016 WIBC championship game.
Game 2: 9:30am on Wednesday August 9th at the War Memorial Gym at UBC to catch this exciting team play the 2016 WIBC 1st runner up, Oklahoma and Florida’s Lords of the Plains.